Saturday, September 14, 2013

Long time, no see (or type rather)!

Hey hey hey! Look who decided to re-join the blogging world after a whirlwind summer and start to the school year! THIS GIRL! I am excited to be back and already have some ideas about some speech room happenings a want to share with you this Fall. Here are some updates on my life:

-       I did summer school this year at one of the preschool sites this summer. I LOVED it even more than I did last summer and had a great time doing my language group lessons with a different bunch of kiddos.

-       I got a PUPPY! I am the proud puppy momma of a black and white fur nugget I named Darla. Here’s a picture of her that I took after I found her climbing in her toy box:

-       Upon returning to school in the August, I had to wait a bit to get in to my room as my school was still under construction from a renovation started last spring (big ugh). However, I now have a BRAND NEW speech room and I LOVE IT! I will post pictures once I feel like it’s at a good point for sharing!

The summer was a great time for me to relax, but also a time for me to reflect and set some goals for the current school year. Here’s what I came up with:

1.     Have more consistency across sessions for my students. I’m planning on improving this by revising my planning binder and also implementing themes this year.
2.     Develop a common social language in the speech room. I’m planning on improving this by incorporating social language concepts in to our speech rules.
3.     Incorporate more opportunities for movement. Now that I have a bigger room with enough space to move around in, I want to use it to my advantage!

Those are my main focuses for the year. Do you find yourself doing this between school years too? What kind of goals have you set for the year?

As I mentioned in my first goal, I’m implementing themes this year in order to ease up planning and provide consistency. Look for some info in my next post about what I’m doing for thematic units! 

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