Sunday, April 21, 2013

Birthday Fun!

Any of my friends, coworkers, or family members would tell you that I just love a good birthday! Seeing as how my birthday was last week, I got to thinking about what I could do to help my students celebrate their birthdays when in my room. And then, the idea for a birthday game was born! I wanted to make this game a general reinforcer so that it could be fit for a student with any goal who may be celebrating in speech. Here's what the game looks like:

The cupcake cards guide the game and tell players how many candles they should to their cake. The objective is to try and get the most candles!

I created a "birthday cake" out of a styrofoam circle, ribbon, and puffy paint. I used the tip of a screwdriver to make holes for the candles in the styrofoam and then purchased some candles at Wal-Mart.  I think it turned out pretty cute! Of course, you could make your own variation of a cake on paper or out of a small box. Make it fun!

I hope you use this as a fun way to celebrate your students (and yourself) when the occasion arises!

Birthday Game

Clipart for this activity was purchased from Scrappin' Doodles.

1 comment:

  1. I loooove this activity! What a fun way to make following directions enjoyable and functional. I have enjoyed your looking through your blog. Recently, I was nominated for the Liebster Award for blogging. Part of the award is nominating other inspiring blogs, and I nominated you. Check out my post:
    Have a great weekend!
